Videos — environment
Girl, Did you know... Cloth Diapering's Impact on the Environment
Because I Cloth Diaper... cloth diapers 101 Cloth Diapers and DIsposables common causes of diaper rash eco-friendly environment Life in Quarantine planet sustainability

What's up Cloth Cuties Fam! I hope you all are enjoying your summer. I've been away for a little bit, but we're back with lots of passion and vigor! Do you know how cloth diapers benefit our planet? If you don't this video is a must watch!!
Disposables are wreaking havoc on our communities because they take up soooo much space in landfills. We can reduce this - check out my video to learn how and why we must do it now! For more on simplifying your cloth diapering experience, head over to our blog at #myclothcutie
#clothdiapering #clothdiapersforbeginners #clothdiapers #clothdiaperhelpdesk